Dr. Harsha Gyne Clinic
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Postnatal Self care
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy. Your posture changes, you have increased weight, and ligaments become relaxed making it easier to sustain injury. You may have had back or pelvic pain during pregnancy and received professional help.
Bladder care: It is important to pass urine within 4 hours, this will help prevent your bladder from overstretching or becoming damaged..
Try to pass urine every 2-3 hours during the daytime when you are awake as your bladder may not tell when it is getting full during the first week after Delivery.
Contact Doctor team If you have difficulties in Passing urine, Getting to the toilet in time Emptying your bladder& Passing a good amount.
Swelling: If your ankles are swollen do some exercises to promote blood circulation hourly by bending your feet up and down for 30 seconds. Elevate your feet regularly.
Constipation: A lot of women find that they are constipated Initially following delivery. The following tips may help you deal with constipation:
Try to drink at least 1-2 litres fluid dally.
Try not to miss meals. Eat breakfast straight away after getting up to allow your
digestive system time to work before you leave the house.
Don't delay going to the loo once you have the urge to empty your bowels
Don't rush give yourself time to go
Exercise helps to stimulate digestion e.g. walking
Avoid relying on laxatives; use for short term only.
Sit on the toilet in a way that will support defecation as shown in picture:
Feet supported on a box 4-6 inches high. Lean forward.
Relax pelvic floor muscles, breathe into your tummy and allow it to flop forward.
Going Home:
It is important to take good care of your back whilst looking after your baby. Try to stand up straight as much as possible.
Sit in a comfortable chair with your back well supported. A chair with arms may provide you with more support. You may benefit from having a thin pillow or folded towel behind your waist.
Place pillows on your lap to bring the baby up to the level of your breasts to avoid slouching.
Try to rest back when you're feeding and relax your shoulders.
Lying on your side can also be a comfortable position for feeding.
Changing and bathing:
Adapt working surfaces to waist height to prevent you from stooping over and developing backache, e.g. changing tables.
Bathe your baby on a surface at the right height for you.It will be easier to lift your baby from this height.
To lift, pull in your stomach and pelvic floor muscles, bend from the knees and keep your back straight. Keep the load dose to your body as you lift up.
You should not lift your baby in a car seat; transport your baby in a pushchair. ·
Avoid picking up younger children/toddlers; rather encourage them to climb up to you while you are sitting.
Avoid activities that cause strain to your abdomen and pelvic floor during the first few weeks, e.g. prolonged standing.
Returning to sport:
It is safe to swim again following your six week check-up.
Low impact exercise is safe to resume after approximately 6-8 weeks, for example, yoga, gentle jogging, swimming, low resistance gym work.
High impact exercise such as aerobics, running, and resistance/weight training can be resumed gradually after 12 weeks.—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------